Our extremely popular “TAS” range of tangential fans (Also known as crossflow) fans are a tried and tested method for cooling, ventilation and heating options in many applications. These fans come in a variety of blade diameters (30mm, 45mm, 60mm) which enable them to have a low frame size and can be fitted into tight spaces. They come in both single and double wheel options. The wheel lengths vary from 60mm up to 610mm in length for uses such as air curtains, fan convectors, laboratory equipment, electronic cooling.
They come as standard in AC voltages however DC and now EC brushless DC (Energy efficient) models are also available upon request. They are made with continuously rated duty with self lubricating bronze sleeve bearings, it can operate from 0⁰C to 60⁰C with Class F insulation rating.
Cross flow fans offer a low noise option at a high air flow ouput in low pressure applications. They are able to offer good contact of cooled ducts and surfaces with cold air.
These tangential fans come individually boxed which made them ideally suited for van stock.
These fans can be used for cooling or when fitted with a heating element can be used for heating applications such as kick space heaters.
With our market leading range of motors all available from stock in conjunction with our cross reference database we are able to quickly and easily offer a replacement electric motor for many competitor makes.
List of common applications:
Kick space heaters
Fan convectors
Door curtains
Thermal storage heaters
Wood-burning stoves
Overhead projectors
Electric fireplaces
Tanning beds
Climate control systems
Heating units
Laboratory equipment
Electronic cooling
Drink dispense
Vending machines
Trench heating
Ventilation applications
Oven cooling
Wall convectors
Overdoor heaters
Plinth heaters
Bus heaters
Caravan heaters
Data centre load banks
Food warmer
Hot cupbard
Industrial process heating
Industrial process drying
Pellet stove jacket cooling
Display screen cooling
Trader desk cooling
Kitchen ventilation
Bathroom ventilation
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